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Pediatric Health Services in Wellesley

Integrative Medicine Treatments for Babies, Kids, and Teens

All ages can benefit from a holistic approach to health and wellness. We offer a number of holistic therapies that are appropriate for children and adolescents.


Many of these therapies can be booked through our online booking site, although for some we require that you call the front desk at 781-898-4083 x 1 or email to book. If you don't see what you are looking for online, please give us a call!


The most common pediatric ailments that we see in our clinic are:

  • Anxiety, Depression, ADHD
  • Asthma and allergies
  • Autoimmune conditions
  • Colds and Flus, poor immunity, frequent ear infections
  • Concussion and post-concussion symptoms
  • Digestive issues - colic, gas, IBS, weight gain
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Hormonal fluctuations - PMS, irregular menstruation, painful periods
  • Insomnia
  • Musculoskeletal pain, growing pains, or sports injuries
  • TMJ, jaw pain, dental pain
  • For infants - problems with teething, breastfeeding, head or neck position, or healing from birth trauma


Pediatric services:

Child Acupuncture (for children 0-12): Pediatric acupuncture involves a combination of tiny sterile acupuncture needles, magnet therapy, and acupressure. Needles are not used on very young children. Child acupuncture can address respiratory, digestive, musculoskeletal, emotional, sleep, and immune-based health issues.


We bill insurance for child acupuncture sessions when there is coverage. 

To discuss time of service rates, please call the office at 781-898-4083.


Acupressure-only treatments for young children:

60-minute Initial Visit: $137.50*

30-minute Follow-Up Visit: $77.50

*Please book the 60-min Initial Visit. Depending on the age of the child or the severity of the condition, this visit may be shortened to 30 minutes and will be billed appropriately.

*These prices reflect our payment at time of service discount.


Please call or email to book all Pediatric Acupuncture sessions - they will not show availability online for initial or follow-up appointments.


Pediatric Craniosacral Treatment (for children 0-12): Craniosacral therapy is a gentle, hands-on approach to restore balance to the body and release deeply-stored tension. CST is particularly well-suited for patients experiencing anxiety, ADHD, headaches, dental pain, symptoms following a concussion, or infants struggling with any sort of adjustment or developmental leap.

45-minute Child Craniosacral Treatment: $110

30-minute Child Craniosacral Treatment : $75

*If this is the first time your child is being treated with Craniosacral  Therapy at Stepping Stone, please book a 45-minute session for children ages birth - 7 years. 

For children 8-12, you may book either a 45-minute or a 30-minute session to start.


Pediatric Reiki Session (for children 8-12): Reiki sessions focus on calming the body to allow its natural healing abilities to take place. Particularly suited for mental-emotional issues or sleep problems.

Pediatric Reiki Session (30 minutes): $75


Chinese Herbal Medicine for Kids (for children 2-12): Chinese Herbs operate on the same principles as acupuncture and acupressure to help the body overcome disease. Herbal Medicine consults are included free of charge in all acupuncture appointments.

Herbal Medicine consultation* (60 minutes): $75

Herbal Medicine follow-up* (30 minutes): $50

* Cost of herbs not included


Please call or email to book all Pediatric Chinese Herbal Medicine sessions - they will not show availability online for initial or follow-up appointments.


Pediatric Abdominal Therapy (for children 0-12): Abdominal Therapy is a specialized therapy based on the Maya technique of abdominal massage. For children it can be a helpful treatment option for any sort of digestive or urinary issue. Abdominal Therapy requires a telehealth intake with a parent prior to this appointment - please call the office to schedule.

Pediatric Abdominal Therapy Follow-up (30 minutes): $75



Adolescent Services:

For more information about each of these services, please follow links to that specific service's page. If using our online booking site, please book these services under the "Pediatric and Adolescent Services" heading so we know the patient is a minor.


Acupuncture (can include herbal medicine consultation)

Craniosacral Therapy

Massage Therapy

Abdominal Therapy




Pediatric and Adolescent Policies:


1) For all pediatric (ages birth to 12) and adolescent (ages 13-17) appointments, we require a parent or guardian's contact information (phone and email). If the teen patient wants to receive the email notifications and intake forms, we can have them sent to both the teen and the parent.


2) A parent or guardian must sign all the consent forms for the minor patient. If you are not yet 18 and are completing your own intake forms, please be sure a parent or guardian electronically signs them.


3) A parent is required to be in the treatment room during treatment unless a waiver form is signed that states the patient can be treated without a parent in the room. A link to this waiver form will be in the appointment booking and confirmation emails.


For pediatric patients (ages birth to 12):

Parent is required to be in the room during treatment unless waiver form is signed.

Parent is required to be on the premises during treatment (or in parked car outside).

Parent is required to be in the room for the first session at Stepping Stone.


For adolescent patients (ages 13-17):

Parent is required to be in the room during treatment unless waiver form is signed.

Parent is required to be on the premises during the first session (or in parked car outside).

 Phone: 781-898-4083

Fax: 781-489-3423

316 Washington St.

Suite 1, Wellesley, MA 02481

© 2024 Stepping Stone Acupuncture & Wellness

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